Meet CASCA’s Executive Director
Chris D. Skagen, JD MELP
Executive Director
Chris is the Executive Director of the Colorado Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (CASCA), a 501c6 healthcare association that represents ambulatory surgery centers statewide. CASCA provide advocacy, education, business and networking resources to healthcare providers around the state. We are the voice of ASCs in the State Capitol.
Skagen is a member of the Water Law Section and Health Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association, the Heart of the Rockies Bar Association and a member of the American Health Lawyers Association. Chris received a bachelor’s degree in Natural Resources Management from Colorado State University and his law degree and master’s degree in Environmental Law and Policy (cum laude) from Vermont Law School. He recently served on the San Isabel Land Protection Trust and as a board member of the Western Fremont County Fire Protection District. He currently serves on the Medical Surge Advisory Board for the Colorado State Emergency Operations Center response to COVID-19.
He is a happy father to his son Ronen and daughter Norah, which keeps him busy. Chris also enjoys telemark skiing, mountain biking, and fly-fishing.
Executive Staff
Mallory Sussman
Membership Services Director
Jim Miles
CASCA LEgal Counsel
Foley & Lardner
Lisa Ward
CASCA Lobbyist
Frontline Public Affairs
Simon Schwartz
Associate Director